Utah – WTF? A story of young women, dirty whores and how it seems that is our label now


OK, first go read that article from the Huffington Post and tell me what is wrong with that girls outfit. Please, tell me…. I’ll wait. …. Yeah, NOTHING except perhaps, maybe that this is Utah and her Mother is … an atheist. I really fail to see any other reason that the principal would single her out for “Inappropriate attire”, when many other students were wearing shorter skirts. That reason appears to be bogus. Her teachers didn’t have an issue with her clothes, just the principal which speaks to a personal reason having nothing to do with school attire.

WAY TO GO UTAH!!!! Stay Classy! I know how this feels just a bit. The last time I traveled through Utah was 8 years ago. As soon as I crossed the state line into Nevada, I got out of the car and kissed the drinking/whoring/swearing dirt that Nevada sits upon. I’ve never been so glad to see the backside of a State in my life!

I know, I know, you’re saying “Well if you are an atheist why don’t you live somewhere else.” True but sometimes people can’t just pack up and leave. There are jobs, relationships, perhaps family ties to be considered AND you shouldn’t have to move just because you make someone uncomfortable. That is THEIR failing not yours. Just because people fail to see the diversity in culture, learning and opinions that others bring doesn’t mean you should allow them to bully you.

I suppose I can’t be too surprised especially since people in this country seem to be getting dumber by the minute. Now I didn’t watch the Miss USA pageant, as I find it to be a cultural dinosaur but I heard something very interesting that seems to prove my point on the dumbing down of America. It seems Miss Ohio, when asked “Do you think women are depicted in movies and on television in an accurate and positive way? And please give us an example.” responded with “I think it depends on the movie. I think there are some movies that depict women in a very positive role, and then some movies that put them in a little bit more of negative role. But by the end of the movie, they show that woman power that I know we all have. Such as movie Pretty Woman. We had a wonderful, beautiful woman, Julia Roberts, and she was having a rough time, but, you know what, she came out on top and she didn’t let anybody stand in her path.”

Really? Really. A white-washed Disney prostitute is a beacon for positive female values? REALLY? Allow me to give you an education Miss Ohio since you were obviously asleep or brushing your hair during class. A fictional story of a low-end hooker that marries a millionaire and lives happily ever after is not only a total fantasy but can be damaging to women who equate their worth in direct proportion to their sexual allure even if it is exploited for profit.

Now I could write forever on how the majority of sex workers are beaten, raped, murdered, abused, drug addicted and under the thumbs of controlling pimps. In fact the original ending of this movie had Richard Gere dumping her once his contracted time was over and her shooting up drugs. In fact that scene in the hotel where she was flossing her teeth, she was originally shooting up. At least that ending would have been more honest but Pretty Women as an example of a positive female role? Are you smoking crack?

I guess the principal at this Utah school is of the opinion that young girls with no God-centered religious background is just a slutty temptress out to lure God-fearing boys off the straight and narrow with flashes of her hedonistic knees.

Please tell me these idiots are the vocal minority.

Posted on June 6, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Hey, it’s Utah. Land of LDS and home of the conservative.

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